Material classification / Data Classification
An MRO material master data classification is a system that classifies and categorizes materials, parts, and components. This system can be used in an inventory management system to categorize items that are purchased or manufactured.
A well-designed MRO material master data classification will not only classify the items but will also provide information about the item’s part number, supplier, date of purchase or manufacture, quantity on hand, and other pertinent information.Is your MRO material master data well classified? Is Spend Analytics giving you the insights you wanted?
With a good Material classification system in place, you stand to gain in different areas -a key one being improved spend analytics capabilities. Executives often struggle to gain insights into purchase inefficiencies, and the root cause analysis mostly leads to poor Material classification and analytics. A well-classified materials database can dramatically improve analytics, which then enables you to derive supplier intelligence, identify focus areas to reduce costs, gain insights into inventory movements and so on.
Some of the well-known product classification systems are – UNSPSC, eCl@ss, ETIM, MESC, etc., and we are very familiar with selecting and implementing the right system, based on the client’s needs. We have the skills and tools to efficiently upgrade a client’s master database to classify materials and suppliers based on the selected classification system. We also help develop custom Material classification, for clients having specific needs that are not met by standard classification schema.
We also help clients implement multiple classification systems, or map their items across different classifications such as eCl@ss to UNSPSC or vice versa.
We also provide cross-referencing services, to map UNSPSC codes to other industry classification standards for products and services such as eCl@ss or eOTD, or vice versa.
Read More about UNSPSC ClassificationOptimizeMRO provides electronic cataloging services to assist manufacturers and distributors comply with the eCl@ss standard while updating and maintaining their catalogs.
Read More about eClass ClassificationA very important element in UNSPSC to eClass mapping is identifying the correct class for the material, which often is done incorrectly when people try automated methods.
Read More about UNSPSC to eClass MappingImprove MRO Commodity Management, Gain control over your MRO spend, and Optimize Suppliers, We have all answers for your questions related to Data Classification
Read More about FAQsTalk to a Data Classification expert today!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the advantage of Data Classification?Improved spend analytics capabilities which leads to insights into purchase inefficiencies.
How can OptimizeMRO help me?We have the skills and tools to efficiently upgrade a client’s master database to classify materials and suppliers based on the selected classification system. We also help develop custom classification systems.
Is different classification systems available?Yes, Multiple classification systems and tailor-made classification systems are available apart from the well-known classification systems like UNSPSC, eCl@ss, ETIM, MESC, etc.